



"Coffee is necessary" - placeholder

Extended essay

Measuring a clear river's depth using just one image

A convolution neural network is trained to estimate the depth of a clear river using just one image, to lay a foundation for future expansions, that for instance focus on the safety of people during floodings.

GMTK Gamejam 2020


A game designed and created in just a weekend around the theme "Out of control", The core idea of Forceswitch is that gravity can switch in any four directions: up, down, left and right.

Extended essay

MNIST handwritten numbers dataset CNN

A convolutional neural network trained on the MNIST handwritten numbers dataset to identify the learning pace of the neural network, which was used for the estimation of river depth.

Personal project

3D-model of a room

A room identical to my real life room designed in blender to then be build for real, the goal was to create a perfect combination between a working enviroment, and a cozy place to hangout in.




Jefta Buitenhuis

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